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Cyrano is playing at the Daryl Roth Theatre located at 101 West 15th Street. The musical runs two hours ten minutes with one intermission. It closes on December 22, 2019.

Peter Dinklage won four Prime Time Emmys for Game of Thrones.

Montgomery (Scott Stangland) is singing on stage. Someone is heckling him from the audience. He gets upset and leaves the stage. Cyrano (Peter Dinklage) is the one making the comments. Since everyone left he pays the producer for his loss of revenue.

Marie (Grace McLean) looks after Roxanne (Jasmin Cephas Jones). She tells her they have to leave because De Guiche (Ritchie Coster) wants to see her.

Cyrano confines to Le Bret (Josh A. Dawson) he’s in love with Roxanne, but she doesn’t know it. He encourages him to tell her. When they met, she confesses to him she’s in love with Christian (Blake Jenner). Christian is not good at writing letters. Cyrano tells Christian he will help him write romantic letters to Roxanne. After the letters their relationship heats up.

De Guiche sends a scared priest (Christopher Gurr) with a letter for Roxanne. She tells him the letter says he should marry her and Christian. But of course it doesn’t.

Cyrano and Christian go off to war. Christian dies.

Roxanne finds out Cyrano wrote the letters for Cristian. She tells him she’s really in love with him.

The stage is not fancy but it serves the purpose. You know what season it is by the snow and leaves falling.

This is an enjoyable show you should see.

The cast is outstanding. Peter Dinklage, Jasmine Cephas Jones and Blake Jenner shine.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich.

Photos by Annazor.

To read a candid interview with the cast, scroll down to the left for photos. Click on photos for this and other shows.

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