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Imminently Yours

Imminently Yours is playing at Theatre 80 St. located at 80 St. Marks Place. It runs ninety minutes with one intermission. The play closes on June 30, 2019.

We are in the south in the mountains. Either side of the stage is a dwelling. In the back are branches and a curtain.

Lillie Mae (Dorothi Fox) is surrounded by Alberta (Edythe Jason) and Oscar (Arthur French).

Edna (Colette Bryce) is peeling potatoes. She is not thrilled about it. Her mother use to come home but she is sick. Edna is a lawyer and left home when she was young. The family has lived on the mountain since they were free from slavery. Edna daughter Mildred (Nia Akilah Robinson) is there too, she is 25.

Every time Lillie hears a noise she rings a bell. Alberta looks thru her binoculars to see if sees anything. Oscar and Lillie draw their guns. Lillie is blind.

The newly elected governor of the state made a promise in his campaign if elected he would visit the remote areas of the state.

They are expecting him. Instead James (Ryan Desaulniers) is there to represent him. He is polite looks around and leaves.

Everyone leaves for their dwellings except for Mildred. She meets James and gives him a tour of the property including a peek of a man make lake no one knows about.

When the governor finds out about it he wants to claim the land on eminent domain. The parks department would take over and the only two dwelling that will remain are the one when they first moved there. He bases is that he can take the land because they never paid taxes.

The family tracks down decedents that lived there and left for their help to keep the land. James tries to help too. They lose and the governor tells them wherever they moved in the state they won’t have to pay taxes.

They are paid for the land but they would rather stay.

Lillie Mae has something up her selves which she tells Oscar and Alberta how she going to get more money for the land.

The first act is slow but it builds up momentum for a powerful second act. Dorothi Fox and Arthur French read their lines from a script, based on that they are veteran actors. The whole cast shines.

This is a play worth seeing. It has something to say about eminent domain. It can affect any one and still does.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich.

Photos by Annazor.

To read a candid interview with the cast, scroll down to the left for photos. Click on photos for this and other shows.

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