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2 By Tennessee Williams

2 By Tennessee Williams are playing at St. Luke’s Theatre located at 308 West 46th Street. It runs one hour fifty minutes with one intermission. The plays close on September 7, 2016.

The first play was 27 Wagons Full of Cotton written in 1946. Jake (Mike Teller) leaves his home with a container of gasoline. He set fire to his rival cotton dealer Silva Vicarro (Justin Holcomb) plantation. The property is across from his. While Jake is gone, Flora (Kathryn Luce Garfunkel) his wife is calling him to bring her things. When he gets back she is on the porch. She questions him where he was. He replies he’s been on the porch all the time. Flora contradicts him about it. Jake uses abuse to make her say he was there all the time.

Silva comes to his home to hire him to help him get the bales of cotton to the person who bought them. He knows Jake had something to do with the fire but has no way of proving it. Jake leaves to go do the job. Silva stays at the house and makes advances on Flora. She keeps pushing him off. He follows her into the house. Time passes Flora comes out of the house. Jake returns home.

The second play is Kingdom of Earth written in 1967. Chicken (Mike Keller) half-brother Lot (Justine Holcomb) comes to visit him at the family house. Lot has just gotten out the hospital; he is still sick but left any way. He has brought his wife Myrtle (Judy Jerome). They have been married two days.

There is one problem, a flood is approaching. If they would leave by car they would never make it to save ground. The only way to be rescued is to stay on the roof and wait for a helicopter. It has happened to Chicken before.

We find out more about the characters.

27 Wagons Full Of Cotton characters are shallow. You know nothing about them, only what you may think. There too many whys left unanswered.

Kingdom of Earth is very good. You get to know the characters. They have more substance. It has a quirky ending.

Reviewby Rozanna Radakovich

Photos by Annazor

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