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Frankenstein is playing at The Players Theatre located at 115 McDougal Street. The show is playing on Friday and Saturday and Sunday matinees. It runs one hour forty-five minutes with no intermission. The show closes on November 13, 2016.

The musical is based on the book written by Mary Shelley in 1818.

Captain Walton (Zach Bullock) is writing a letter to his sister Margaret (Brittney Peters). He has set out to explore the North Pole. During the voyage the crew spots a dog sled lead by a giant figure. They rescue a nearly frozen man named Victor Frankenstein (Eric Fletcher).

When he recovers he tells him he is from a wealthy family. He has two brothers and an adopted sister Elizabeth (Kyle Hughes). Victor later marries her. Justine (Rebecca Pomeranz) is his brother nanny.

Victor creates a grotesque creature (Johnathan Rion Bethea). When he sees what he looks like he flees. He tries to show his childhood friend Henry (Juan Drigo Ricafort) the monster but he has gone.

His brother is killed and Justine is accused of doing it. Victor is sure the monster has done it but is afraid to tell anyone.

Victor meets the monster. He tells him what his life has been since he left. He learns how to talk and read books in found in the woods. The monster watches a family from the woods. The father is blind (Hal Miers) so he can talk to him until his family sees him and chases him away. When he sees his reflection he realizes why people are afraid of him.

The monster asks Victor to make him someone he can love and be with. Victor does but when he sees the result he kills her.

The monster gets even. How I’m not telling.

I saw it the first night it was performed in front of an audience. There scenes were well done but some of the musical ones were fluffy. Hopefully this will change when it opens. It was an interesting story and not like I remember the movie.

There are nine songs in the show. Eric Fletcher and Kyle Hughes have terrific voices. When they sing they are amazing.

Juan Drigo Ricafort, Hal Miers, Brittany Petersand Elissa Bonito play several roles and do a great job.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich.

Photos by Annazor.

To read a candid interview with the cast, scroll down to the left for recent photos. Click on recent photos for this and other shows.

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