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Not That Jewish

Not That Jewish is playing at the New World Stages located at 340 West 50th Street. It runs ninety minutes with no intermission. It closes on April 30, 2017.

Monica Piper was the writer on Roseanne, Mad About You and Rugrats. She won a Daytime Emmy for Rugrats in 1990 for outstanding children’s animate program.

The stage center is a bench, to the right a writing table and to the left a table with two glasses on it. The wall has metal frames with nothing in them.

Not That Jewish is about Monica Piper life in comedy with some tender scenes.

It starts when she is seven. Her family is standing outside their apartment building dress as if they had gone to temple, which they had not. Her friend comes over and asked her if she had been to temple. When she replies no her friend says you can’t be Jewish if you don’t go to temple. When they get upstairs she questions her parents about it.

Pictures of her and her family reflect in the frames behind when she is talking about a certain time period in her life, sometimes its words.

This is a very funny, tender show about her life so far.

You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy the show. But just in case there is a pull out in the Playbill that says Yiddish 101. Eleven words are bellow like “Mensch” meaning a good person for you to know.

This one women show is worth seeing; you’ll have a good laugh.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich

Photos by Annazor.

To read candid interview with the cast, scroll down to the left for recent pictures. Click on a photo, the click on return to album, return to gallery for this and other shows.

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