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Privacy is playing at The Public Theatre located at 425 Lafayette Street. It runs for two hours thirty minutes with on intermission. The play closes on August 7, 2016.

The played premiere 2014 at the Donmar Warehouse, in London, England.

Josie Rourke is the director. She is the artistic director of the Donmar Warehouse.

Paul Tazwell is the costume. He won a Tony Award for Hamilton (2016). He was nominated for five Tony Awards for A Streetcar Named Desire (2012), Memphis (2009), In the Heights (2008), The Color Purple (2005) and Bring in Da’ Noise, Bring in Da’ Funk (1996).

Danielle Radcliffe is known for the title character in the Harry Potter series.

De’Adre Aziza was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Song in 2009 for Passing Strange.

Rachael Susan Dratch is known for the NBC television show Saturday Night Live from 1999-2006.

Reg Rogers was nominated for a Tony Award in 1996 for the revival of Philip Barry’s Holiday.

There is a big screen in the back of the stage.

The story revolves around Daniel Radcliffe “The Writer”. He is going to a psychologist but is afraid to open up as to what is bothering him. He afraid it will invade his privacy. The writer has broken up with someone several months ago and can’t get over it. The psychologist (Reg Rogers) tells him he wrote a book. The writer goes into his phone, orders the book and gets the book delivered to the doctor’s office while he is there.

All the actors play several roles. When they are a different character a picture comes on the screen with the name, job and age of the person. If the cast is doing something on the phone or computer it appears on the screen.

The Writer moves to New York to meet someone.

Everything encompasses around the fact that nothing is private anymore. Once you connect to the internet, it’s there for the taking. Some of the things are photos, where you are, where you live etc.

The audience is involved in what is going on. If you have a device you can sign in on their Wifi and web site. They will tell you where to go from time to time. For instance they tell you to search pizza. It will tell you where you are now to get pizza. I’m not telling you what else they tell you to do or the results. You will have to see the show. The results are different each night.

Go see this cleaver show, unless you think it will make you paranoid about your privacy?

The other cast members are Rachael Dratch, Michael Countryman, Raff Barsoumian and De’ Adre Aziza. The whole cast does an outstanding job doing several roles.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich.

Photos by Annazor.

To read a candid interview with the cast, scroll down to the left for recent photos. Click on recent photos for this and other shows.

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