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Shear Madness

Shear Madness is playing at the Davenport Theatre located at 354 West 45th Street. It runs two hours and ten minute with one intermission. It is an open ended run.

The play ran eight years in Boston and Philadelphia. It listed in the Guinness Book of records as the longest running play in the history of the United States. This production opened in New York on September 18, 2015.

Tony (Johnathan Randell Silver) owns a hair salon called Shear Madness. Barbara (Kate middleton) works for him.

Music is blaring.

The first customeris Mike Thomas (Timothy C. Goodwin) who there for a haircut. Tony is puttering around doing it. He starts washing his haie and then gets distracted does something else.

Another customer comes in. Eddie Lawrence (Gil Brady) is willing to wait until Tony is finished since Mike is in a hurry.

After he finishes with Tony another customer come in for a shave. Nick O’Brien (Patrick Noonan) is a construction worker. Eddie is still waiting to be work on, leaves for a few minutes. Tony doesn’t do a great job with the shave and cuts Nick.

The last customer is Mrs. Shubert (Lisa McMillian). Barbara takes care of her.

The owner of the building lives above the salon; she is a well-known piano player. Her playing is so loud.

Things happen in the show and I don’t want to give it away. But I will tell you the landlady is killed and two of the people in the salon are police.

The police investigate the murder. They tell the audience they are going over the events that lead to the murder. The audience should ask questions and point out anything that did not happen.

Who is the murder? You will have to see this very funny show. I won’t spoil it for you.

The play is up to date on current events that have happening now.

The cast does an outstanding job. Jonathan Randell Silver is great especially when he interacts with the audience.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich.

Photos by Annazor.

To read a candid interview with the cast, scroll down to the left for recent pictures. Click on recent photos for this and other shows.

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