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The Power Punctuation

The Power of Punctuation is playing at the Davenport Theatre located at 354 West 45th Street. It runs seventy minutes with no intermission. The play closes on August 6, 2016.

Jenny (Natalie Margolin) and Fran (Elizabeth Gambal) arrive at their apartment drunk. They start singing to the music that is playing as if they are the performers. Jumping on the furniture singing they fall off landing on the floor. Fran panics when she drops her phone and it won’t come on. She is afraid she won’t get a text message from a guy she met. Jenny tries to calm her down.

Fran broke up with her boyfriend. She met this guy at a bar, had sex with him and thinks this may be the new guy in her life. He replies to her six hours after she has text him. Jenny rates the text for punctuation, words, etc. She tells her since it took so long for him to reply wait till morning to text him back.

Jenny had a fight with another friend at the bar that night. Angie (Rebecca Frisch) shows up at the apartment. What happens at the bars is revealed.

If you are young you might enjoy this show.

The characters were shallow. There was no character built up. I left the theatre feeling empty.

Maybe if you don’t text, you miss the whole point.

The actress’s do a great job.

The set was nice and the music was good.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich

Photos by Annazor.

To read a candid interview with the cast, scroll down to the left for recent photos. Click on recent photos for this and other photos.

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