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Verso is playing at the New World Stages located at 340 West 50th Street. It runs two hours with one intermission. It is an opened ended show.

Helder Guimaraes is the sole person on stage. There are crates on the stage in every direction with props in them.

A few times he throws a duck in the audience he asks the person something and then tells them to throw the duck. He repeats himself to that person. The people that have caught the duck are the ones who he will be involved with the tricks. Other times he’ll ask a question and whoever responds, he will ask them to help with the illusion.

Helder uses words to convey things like fear. People fear the number 13, Friday the 13th or floors in a building. There is no 13 floor but there is a 14, but in reality 14 is 13.

In one instance he tells a man in the front row to draw a face on a card and then put it in a deck. Helder picks the card. He then puts it in the card box and then puts it into another box and locks. Helder tells him to go outside the theatre into the lobby and hide the box. Well I want to tell you where and what happens when they find the box but I don’t want to spoil it for you.

Another set of audience members read off the serial number from the money they took out of their pocket. He repeats each number to them.

There are more acts but not the ones you see other magicians do.

It is a cleaver show and interesting to see. When you leave it makes you wonder how he did it.

Go see the show and see if you can come up with the answer.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich

Photos by Annazor.

To read a candid interview with cast, scroll down to the left for recent photos. Click on recent photos for this and other shows.

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