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Previews start on March 25, 2011. The play opens on April 19, 2011. It will close on April 24, 2011. It ran 28 previews and eight regular performances.

Kathleen Turner has received various recognition in her acting career. Golden Globe nomination for Body Heat, Romancing The Stone, Prizzi's Honor and War of Roses (which she received an Academy Award nomination). She has also been nominated for a Tony Award for Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (2005), The Graduate (2002) and Indiscretions (1995).

Matthew Lumbardo the playwright has written this play from his personal experience. He has been clean from drugs for eight years. Matthew said about Ms.Turner "shes one of those rare actresses who can make the audience laugh one moment and cry the next."

This is a three member cast KathleenTurner (Sister Jamison Connelly), Stephen Kunken (Father Michael Delpapp) and Evan Jonigkeit (Jody Randall).

Father Michael has asked Sister Jamison to help counsel Cody. Nineteen year old Cody was found in a hotel room with a fourteen boy. The younger boy was dead and Cody almost from a drug overdose.

Sister Jamison is reluctant. She feels he needs to get help some place else, that she's not strong enough emotionally to get thru to him.

The sister has her own demons one of which is she is a recovering alcoholic.

Cody does not want help, all he wants to do is get "High".

There are many plot twist and revelations. To tell you would give away the story and your interest .My feeling is what was told and said is not what really happened.

But Cody does try to get high. He comes to the sisters room with a needle in his arm. Sister pulls it out but she tell he will get high even though the dope hasn't been put in. As he gets high he takes his clothes off with the intent of raping her. He was totally naked. Why? To shock us. He could have done it with underware on, we would have gotten the message.

I found Ms Turners facial expresssions in the opening monologue to be a little exaggerated but as the play went on she was more relaxed and in control of her character emotions. Sister Connelly heart ache and pain showed on her face and got the audience caught up in her anguish as a nun and human being. Kathleen voice has lost it's raspy texture.

Evan does well as the druggie wanting to get high.

Stephen cool demear keeps you wondering whats behind the facade he puts on.

It seems the trend on Broadway now to us the F word. Ms Turner uses it a handful of times. Sister Connelly is using it to tell Cody she is one tough lady even if she is a nun she is on person you can't reckon with .

If you or a family member has or have a drug or alcohol problem this play will hit home. The play leaves you thinking about it days later.

Review by Rozanna Radakovich.

Photos by Annazor

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